ROG>Heroes>Fire Lord


Chinese diplomats, medical staff and technicians from conflict-ridden Yemen as the situation continues to get worse, the Ministry

Rage of Fire Rage of Fire: Deals 1 fire damage to an enemy champion within range and all the soulstones belong to the champion

Sear Sear Sear Lay a Fire Mark to an enemy champion within range and one of his or her soulstones. The Fire Mark can be activated by fire damage, increasing the damage by 1. Lasts for 1 turn

Incinerate Incinerate Incinerate Incinerates an unit within range, dealing 1 fire damage. Reduces the range of all the units that belongs to the same player by 1 (to a minimum of 1). Lasts for 1 turn

Passion Passion Passion All your units are immune to Seal effect. Casting Fire mark on allied units grants a Fire Shield on them for 1 turn

Detonation Detonation Detonation Activate: +1 normal attack damage to Detonation. Lays Fire Marks to enemy champions who have dealt damage to Fire Lord. Turn normal attacks of all allied units to fire damage


After much careful consideration and analysis, the Dual Gods of Creation concluded that there were four ways in which mass and energy regularly combined: earth, water, air, and fire. These were the elements, and they regularized the Dual God's creation process, making it more efficient and orderly. Elements are the manifestations of natural laws, and they are neither good nor evil. They are the cornerstones upon which this very world is built. Later Kamed and Tarmit took the elements' cores and gave them individual consciousnesses, thus the elemental lords were born. These elemental lords served as the Dual Gods’ helpers, assisting both in this world's creation. They created Kaindell's landscapes and natural phenomena. The Lord of Earth later transformed into a giant, came under Tarmit's curse, and became the ancestor of dwarves. As they only exist to serve the gods, the elements are considered to be a neutral race. Though they may have individual whims and fancies, they are neutral as a matter of principle. They will not offer help to the other races, nor will they attack others without provocation.