ROG>Heroes>Blade Master


Chinese diplomats, medical staff and technicians from conflict-ridden Yemen as the situation continues to get worse, the Ministry

Wind Clap Wind Clap: Deals 2 damage to an unit within range, and the target has a 66% chance to lose 1 Mana or Gmana

Parry Parry Parry When Blade Master or Parry takes damage from normal attack or abilities, 66% chance to reduce the damage by 1 (twice per turn)

Enrage Enrage Enrage Get Enraged after normal attacking. When Enraged, gains +1 range, and can pay 1 extra Gmana to increase next normal attack damage by 2. Enraged will last for 2 turns

Evasion Evasion Evasion Normal attack and ability damage dealt to Blade Master has a 33% chance to be taken by Evasion (Up to twice per turn)

Homicide Homicide Homicide Activate: +1 normal attack damage to Homicide. Your units have a 33% chance to take an extra action


When Kamed created humans, she made them to be exceptionally malleable. Sensing an opportunity, Tarmit ordered the God of Greed and the God of Slaughter to add "desire" and "violence" into the human temperament. After a great schism, those humans with a penchant for violence ran into the wild. Tortured by unfulfilled desires, they let their violent impulses reign supreme, turning into wild and bloodthirsty creatures. Their bodies became beastly. Their teeth and nails turned sharp. They had become orcs. According to a certain gnomish legend, some humans lost their wills to greed, to the point that they began to mate with wild animals such as jackals and wolves. Orcs were the results of those unions. Even though gnomes have repeatedly emphasized that this tale comes from their sages who have long observed orcs, most listeners write off this theory as far too outlandish to be anything but an exaggerated tale. Orcs live in the Gobi on the edge of the deserts. They are master hunters and herders. They admire and celebrate the act of slaughter. Orcs routinely launch all-out attacks on other races, and there is often bloodshed between different orc tribes. They value honor above life itself. As a result, sometimes they are tricked by the more cunning and artful races.