ROG>Heroes>Bloody Queen


Chinese diplomats, medical staff and technicians from conflict-ridden Yemen as the situation continues to get worse, the Ministry

Blood Bath Blood Bath: Bloody Queen is unable to wear equipment. A successful normal attack has a chance to recover Bloody Queen's health by 1. [3 enemy players in battle: 100% chance]; [2 enemy players in battle: 66% chance]; [1 enemy player in battle: 33% chance]

Hungery Hungery Hungery Bloody Queen may pay 2 Mana or 1 Gmana to Rescue her own unit (Once per turn)

Laceration Laceration Laceration Deal 2 damage to an enemy unit within range, and inflict it a Laceration effect, dealing 1 damage to this unit at the end of its turn; Lasts for 2 turns or until Laceration breaks

Revenge Revenge Revenge When Bloody Queen takes normal attack or ability damage, she has a 33% chance to Seal all the remaining units of attacking player. Seal lasts for 1 turn

Heartless Heartless Heartless Activate: +1 normal attack damage to Heartless. All damage taken by Bloody Queen from normal attacks or abilities that above 1 is reduced to 1


Even after they created the ancillary gods, the Dual Gods of Creation still felt that they required more assistance. Thus the God of Light created angels, while the God of Darkness created demons. The first two demons were Surnada the Mother of Demons and Ahriman the Demonic Emperor. From Tarmit, they inherited not only his great dark powers, but also the God of Darkness' most wicked traits. The demons were lawless creatures who would submit to no order and recognize no hierarchy, so much so that they even dared to defy Tarmit's own commands. The God of Darkness angrily punished the demons—only to be met with even stronger resistance. Now enraged, Tarmit exiled the demons to the mortal world. All demons are complete egoists. They may follow powerful leaders out of fear, but the concepts of loyalty and duty are completely alien to them. As a result, though demons are numerous in number and have great fighting prowess, throughout history the Demonic Legion has never fulfilled its full potential. This does not mean that demons are lacking in military talents or intelligence, merely that they are selfish beyond measure. As a countermeasure, the Demonic Emperor eventually promoted many Doomsday Guards, demons with slightly better potential for discipline. Thanks to him, the Demonic Legion can, for the first time, function like a real army under strategic command.