Evildoing Casting Pact on Evildoing will deal 1 damage to the other soulstone's owner
Immolation Casting Pact on Immolation will grant Evil Emperor 1 layer of shield, which can stack up to 2 layers. Shields last until used
Resurrection When your soulstons is about to break, you may pay 1 mana to turn it into a Grave stone with 1 Spirit. Breaking the Gravestone will also break the soulstone. If the Gravestone is not broken, the original soulstone will be brought back to live at the end of next thrun. Gravestones cannot be Rescued when destroyed
Hegemony Activate: +1 normal attack damage to Hegemony. Evil Emperor can take actions to summon soulstones during his turn. Also, Pact will not cancel other actions