Melodious Plays random melodies to 2 champions, applying one of the following effects randomly: [-1 Health], [-1 Mana or Gmana], or [Sealed for 1 turn]. When used on allied champions, increases the chamion's health by 1
Joy Bard enters a state of Joy, reflecting 2 damage to any unit that deals normal attack or ability damage to him. The Joy effect expires when triggerd, and can be used again immediately. If this effect is not activated by the beginning of next turn, Bard gets +2 health
Sad Selects 1 allied champion and 1 enemy unit. 33% Chance to deal 1 damage to the allied champion, and 66% chance to deal 2 damage to the enemy unit
Elegant Activate: +1 normal attack damage to Elegant. Before he takes action each turn, Bard can choose an effect from: [+2 range, +1 health], or [-1 Health and +1 normal attack damage]. The effect lasts for 1 turn