Ice Barrier When Lich is dealt normal or abilities damage, consume 1 Mana or Gmana to prevent 1 damage. This effect can prevent up to 2 damage for Lich in one turn
Cunning At the beginning of each turn, removes all Crowd Control effects from Lich. If Lich isn't affected by any Crowd Control effects, he may gain 1 energy after the end of this turn.
Chill Applies Chilling effect on an enemy champion and one of the champion's soulstones. The affected units take 2 damage after the end of the next turn, and has a 33% chance to take 1 additional damage. Chill breaks after the ability is used
Siphon Activate: +1 normal attack damage to Siphon. At the beginning of each turn, Lich has a 33% chance to drain 1 Mana or Divine Power from an enemy player (can affect to up to 1 player)